The Role of Pharmacies During the pandemic



The COVID-19 pandemic was tough on everyone, especially front line workers. Pharmacies were one of those businesses that were open every day during the pandemic, with pharmacists and staff on the front lines ready to help whoever they can. This film is an ode to their work and their dedication.

In this film, we look at the Dhirani Guardian Pharmacies and talk to some of the staff to hear their experience of the pandemic and what kept them going during this difficult time.


Village Square Pharmacy - Scarborough, ON
Uptown Apothecary - Richmond Hill, ON
Unionville Guardian Pharmacy - Markham, ON
Aurora IDA Pharmacy - Aurora, ON

Frames from the Film

A pharmacist and the pharmacy assistant are going over medications and discussing it
A pharmacist is putting a few pill bottles away and organizing it on the shelf in front of her, which is essentially a wall of pills. She is reading one of the pill bottles to confirm where it should go on the wall.
An elderly patient is getting his left arm wiped by an alcohol wipe in preparation for his COVID-19 vaccine.

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